So, what do I do outside of speaking engagements and writing books? Here are some details of my wider work. (All links open in new tabs.)
“You’re a really easy person to talk to. I felt entirely comfortable just opening up to you- I feel like I can talk to you about anything, really.”
-Autistic client, mid-conversation
Consultation opportunities – appointment options for families or individuals who would like a session with me, about a topic of your choice and on your terms. All details (including prices) are behind the link, although in summary I am available to talk about a wide range of autism-related issues with a wide range of clients in a wide range of situations. I very deliberately run these sessions with an informal, relaxed and non-judgemental attitude, enabling you to approach the session in a way that’s most comfortable for you.
“After your session with my [nine-year-old] son yesterday, he was bouncing around and smiling… I haven’t seen him so happy and relaxed in a long time.”
-Parent client, London
Chris Bonnello on LinkedIn – in-depth information about my professional life, along with posts about the importance of neurodivergence. Feel free to follow or connect!
Autistic Not Weird – my wider autism advocacy
Autistic Not Weird’s main site – articles where I share my insights about autism from both a personal and a professional perspective.
(Featured article: the results of the 2022 Autism Survey, which analysed the feedback from 11,212 respondents regarding a vast range of autism-related issues. Referenced by the American Medical Association during the discussion of their withdrawal of support for ABA.)
I don’t have to worry about my teenage son as much as I have been doing. Chris is very much like him.
-Parent follower in Cardiff
Autistic Not Weird on YouTube – some videos are clips of speaking engagements I’ve delivered, others are general insights about autism. Check out the Truly Terrible Animations videos for comical stories about life as an autistic person! (Featured video: “How to solve a Rubik’s cube (beginner friendly guide)“. Ever wondered how to speedsolve? Here’s a tutorial I made.)
Autistic Not Weird on Facebook – an enormous community with a six-figure number of followers, where the general culture is one of support and guidance. In addition to my general autism advocacy content and statuses/pictures sharing my insights and experiences, followers can ask questions for the community to answer.
Autistic Not Weird on Instagram – largely autism-related graphics I’ve made, but also screenshots of useful posts I’ve written. Plus one of two personal photos because why not?
You have profoundly changed my attitude to how I take care of my autistic child. I was so negative before now.
–Follower from Milton Keynes
Chris Bonnello / Autistic Not Weird on Patreon – my “bonus content” for my Patreon supporters includes article extensions to my work on, as well as my fiction short stories mentioned elsewhere on this site. Supporters also get access to the Patreon supporters’ private group on Facebook (honestly the friendliest place I’ve ever seen on the internet), early access to new articles, and discounts off future books.
You are good at talking about autism.
-Elijah, 8